Thursday 18 April 2013

Spring Gardening

Over Easter weekend I got out & had a chance to begin yard clean-up.

Full yard bags & green bin waiting to go out on garbage day

3 leaf piles [still] waiting to be picked up

first crocuses!

Only yellow crocus in the entire yard

Front garden cleared of leaves, cultivated, and anemone bulbs planted

Seeds sown for an indoor start!

Then today, I finally got up the courage to plant my early spring flowers (because I saw a greenhouse up the mountain planting theirs!)

crocuses in the front bed

Blueberry bush in the front is newly planted, the larger one in back was already there. (I did plant the blueberry bush a couple of weeks ago.)

Planter by the front door!

Mums by the base of the front steps

Mums planted by existing bush near sidewalk

A front flower bed full of spring colour!

Seeds are sprouting!

Marigold on left (one of 13) and edible violet on right (the only one so far)

I love gardening - can't wait to get the veggie garden started!

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Out with the Old!

In an earlier post about the refinished floors, I showed you another remodel we did -   minor one that I hinted at, and which was visible in the photos. Here's the close up of before & after!

Old chandelier - this photo makes it look almost glamorous. It was not.

New, beautiful pendant from Ikea! (Now for a new set of dining room table & chairs!)

Refinishing the Floors

We had a super-duper exciting Easter weekend this year.

1. I got outside and did some yard work (post coming soon) AND......

2. Ed refinished the floors in our dining & living areas:

Step 1: Remove vents (find dust)

Step 2: Remove corner-round trim (blurry action shot)

Step 3: Ensure that all items are removed from floors...(work in progress here)

Step 4: Stare at the worn-out, scarred floor for the very last time

Step 5: tape plastic over all large openings (note clean-ness of shop vac, and very large sander)

Step 6: Navigate crowded hallways while Ed sands

Step 7: Note that brand-new shop vac no longer looks new

Step 8: Clean (this is after 1/3 of a room)

Step 9: Clean cleaning rag....again (this is after only 2 swipes...!!!)

Step 10: Admire sanded floor

Step 11: Take picture of Ed cleaning walls, to prove to his mum that he has grown up (p.s. this is staged - after this picture, he quickly found something else to do... :P)

Step 12: Nearly done first clear coat!

Step 13: Enjoy the newly finished, beautiful floor! Ed also hung the new curtains.

More new floor - notice anything else new?

So proud of Ed for all the hard work he did - and REALLY enjoying our new floors. They look amazing!!!

Wednesday 23 January 2013

An Ode ( I think?)

oh...! Hello Winter.

You made it.

Negative twenty-six degrees Celsius (-14.8F for any USies out there.)



Nasty roadsalt kickback on the windshield (windscreen for the Aussies out there.)

Not wanting to use much windshield washer fluid, because using it all up means pouring more in. And did I mention that it's -26C out there? With a windchill?

AND, my personal favourite: nose hairs freezing together with every breath.

Thank you for appearing, Winter. And for dispelling any 'fear' I had of the existence of global warming.

Also, my crocuses are dead now.

Lovely fickle January.

Saturday 12 January 2013

Eggnog Cream Pie


You will never need another dessert around the Christmas season, when eggnog is available in stores.

Plus, it's so easy you can whip it up in 15 minutes (plus 2hr wait time for it to set up.)

I got the idea off of the internet, and found it here.

I didn't bother putting the extra whipped cream or chocolate shavings on top, cuz I was eating it for breakfast (as dessert....and appetizer. Quiche was at least the main course!)

Some pictures, you say? Of course :)


I love quiche: it's versatile, easy to prepare, and delicious.

It also reheats well. And freezes well.

Here was today's combo (for two deep-dish pies):


  • 2 pie shells (I used store bought, even though I have a wonderful recipe for making my own. It was quicker & time is an important commodity right now.)
  • 12 eggs
  • 3/4-1 c cream (I guesstimated as I poured it in.)
  • 2 leeks, cut into thin rounds & rinsed
  • 4 large mushrooms, chopped
  • 1/2 red pepper, diced
  • 1/2 medium white onion, diced
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 sprig worth of fresh thyme
  • 3-4 sprigs of fresh parsley, chopped
  • 1 c. cheddar, shredded
  • 1/2 lb bacon, medium cooked in small 'bits'

Mixed it  all up.
Poured it into the thawed pie shells.
Baked at 350C for 55 min.

Done. Yum.

(Quiche # 1 has been sampled. # 2 went into the freezer for later!)

Friday 11 January 2013

The Year We Get Married

Well, last year proved that while making a list of goals is fine and all, things can get off track very quickly! Thankfully, 2012 was a year full of God's unexpected blessings. To summarize: I started the year single & in an apartment in Guelph, and finished the year engaged and in a home of my own in Hamilton.

2012 in another summary: three moves, one wonderful boyfriend --> fiance, same job, and a whole lot of upended blogging goals.

2013 plans/goals:

1. Get married!
2. Plan a wedding...
3. ...when I'm done not letting it get me off track of teaching, that is.
4. Read the Bible in it's entirety (Got a one-year reading Bible for my devos for this year!)
5. Travel to Australia!!!!
6. "Let go & let God" - as in, stop worrying so much - especially about what the future holds.
7. Complete 2 sizeable house projects (we have lists and lists and lists...)
8. Try a minimum of 12 new recipes.

That's it. Never mind all the little things. We'll go with this list for now, and I'm sure more will be accomplished.