Monday 5 November 2012

Long Overdue

Wow. Life has taken over, and I've stayed true to my promise not to blog as often. There's so much to blog about, but with a commute that's been extended by an extra 2 hours every day, there's just no chance to sit down & write it out.

I started this on the Teacher Convention days, and now, a few weeks later, report cards are done and I'm treating myself to a blog post.

Because I miss it. I really do.

But I hardly ever take out my computer after I get home from school. Most often, it's dinner, shower, bed. With a little time for meetings or wedding business or family/friend functions.

Nearly all school work needs to be done at school. Before school, after school, during prep or break. It's good that I'm teaching some very familiar courses, and that I've got a great co-teacher for the new course. I've also been getting some help with my 'easy' marking.

And, planning a wedding. Speaking of which, Ed & I got engaged! You knew that already, because I'm so slow that everyone knows despite the fact that my blog didn't, til now. You want some details? Okay:
  • Engagement date: September 8th.
  • Morning gift: Beautiful yellow flowers
  • Place: Port Dalhousie (fave childhood spot of mine - Ed's first time :)
    • Carousel
    • Walk on the pier
    • Walk on the beach
  • Ring! "Will you marry me?"
    • "Yes!"
    • "Are you sure?" (ha!)
    • Then I might have tooted. Elegant, right?
And then we went for dinner with both sets of parents = awesome! The waitress discovered that we'd just been engaged, so we got free champagne as well.The pictures should be coming, because I can't find them (thought I had them!)

And we started planning.
The wedding date: August 2nd, 2013. See the wedding page for any other details, as they come.

We had our engagement party on October 6th - it was so wonderful to see all the family & friends who came out to support us - probably about 75, and that wasn't even all who were invited! Thanks for coming out, everyone!

Gift table/Guest book signing
Where the party started...

Just a few great desserts :)

The whole party...!

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