Monday 26 November 2012

On the Lack Thereof

I miss, miss, MISS my blogging. Really miss it.

To the point that right now, I am resisting resentment towards the things that keep me too busy to blog.

I took a "career quiz" today to prep for my last class of the day, where I am having my students take a series of quizzes to determine which careers might suit them.

The career topping my list? High school teacher.
Followed closely by middle school teacher and a host of other teaching-related professions.

Homemaking was listed 8th. Writer was listed somewhere down at the bottom, in the 20s. (Those are the two areas my future "job" lies in....)

So clearly, my job as a high school teacher suits me. And yet, on days like today, when I miss my blogging, and feel guilty for posting anyways (because you know, I should be marking or lesson-prepping) - days like today I struggle to not resent my job for the time it takes up.

It doesn't make me teach any differently than last year, when I had time for both; I don't love my students any less, I just wish I could stretch the day.

It really is "my fault" for moving to a new place, with a much longer commute.
But I can't resent the commute when it means I get to be closer to family, friends, and the love of my life each evening and weekend.

So, for now, I keep not blogging, and instead go to planning and marking. (Getting there!) And when I'm not working, I try to keep up on cooking and laundry and sleeping and seeing the people that mean much to me. (And buying a house, moving again, planning a know. The other things that have changed since last year that take more from my spare time...)

And, by the way, I love my life. All of it. The work, the people, the multiple blessings.

God is so good to me. And now, after reflecting on it in writing, I don't resent any more. Phewf! 

Plus, I've learned to say 'no'!!! (Good, right? Could still be better....)

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