Friday 4 January 2013

The Year That Was Before the Year We Get Married

I set a bunch of goals for 2012.

I'm not even sure I accomplished half of them, because I accomplished one of them.

Let me re-paste the list here.I'll cross off the ones I didn't accomplish.

2012 goals:
  1. Pray more.
  2. Re-design this blog to be awesome.
  3. Average 15 blog posts every month, again. That's 180 posts this year. It'll probably be closer to 200 by the time January 2013 rolls around.
  4. Post 366 days of Scripture readings. There'll be a tab for that!
  5. Buy a sea kayak.
  6. Read/finish reading 3 devotional books.
  7. Finish paying off my student loan.
  8. Learn to snowboard well.
  9. Lead the 2012 Kentucky SALTeam well.
  10. Visit at least 3 national parks.
  11. Move to Hamilton.
  12. Paint my huge canvas.
  13. Share one awesome recipe each month. There'll be a tab for that too!
  14. Try 26 new recipes this year. (um, I probably did do this one, but not sure.)
  15. Buy Settlers of Catan from change I've saved.
  16. Finish two DIY projects.
  17. Donate to an 'extra' charitable cause.
  18. Let you a little more into my life.
Reflections on the goals:

1. I prayed, but more on average? Sadly, I don't think so.
2. Still same-old blog. See # 11.
3. I did even worse than 2011 (which is on an old blog.) See # 11
4. I got somewhere, but was interrupted, and never got caught up. See # 11
5. I did it! And used it! And loved it!
6. Nope. See # 11
7. Yep! Yay!
8. Learned to snowboard, yes. Learned to board well? Nada. There wasn't enough snow.
9. Someone said I did. It was my favourite trip of all time, I think (though the year before was also good.)
10. I got two (Pukaskwa, and Bruce Peninsula - twice.)
11. Did it. That's what got in the way of accomplishing most of the others.
12. Nope. See # 11.
13. Nope. See # 11
14. I can remember making: chicken parm, guacamole, chipotle mayo, quinoa salad, oriental noodle salad, roast in the crockpot, ham & swiss poppyseed sliders, creamy chicken taquitos, campfire pizza, several varieties of squash soup, falafel, my own pasta sauce, broccoli soup, but yeah. Not 26.
15. Didn't do it.
16. Did it - repainted bookshelf, nightstand, repurposed old frames into mini pin boards, repainted chalkboard...
17. Niagara Life Centre
18. Kinda disappeared around August, and missed out on a lot of important happenings.

So let's summarise what DID happen in 2012:

The highlights:
1. I started dating Ed
2. Kentucky 2012!!!
3. Ziplining
4. Moved to Hamilton (the Ricebox)
5. Kayaked Pukaskwa
6. Met most of Ed's family
7. Got engaged!
8. Bought a house.
9. Moved into the new house.

Kind of a big year. Lots of things changed since I made my "To-Do 2012" list. Good things. I can't complain that I didn't get things done from the "To-Do 2012" list, because I got lots done of the "Life" list.

God amazes me every year again with his plans! They are SO MUCH GREATER than mine ever were.

If you need proof, please review the above lists.

Here's to a wonderful and blessed 2013!

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