Wednesday 29 August 2012

Pukaskwa - Day 4, Part 1

Day 4 dawned, we had a leisurely breakfast, and got ourselves out onto the water.

Once we got out of Bonamie Cove, we met some waves. Not huge ones, but huger than what I'd been on before! Thankfully the wind was with us, and after the initial apprehension, riding the waves and dropping in the swells turned out to be quite a lot of fun! (And a good bit of hard work as well, to keep yourself headed in the right direction. My skeg doesn't as well as a rudder when it comes to waves. Better than any gym ab workout.)

We got out of the waves and into some calmer water when we got in between the mainland & Otter Island. By that point it was definitely time for lunch. I was getting grumpy, and hot dogs sounded good! Our option was a stone beach, where we also met some other kayakers.

After lunch, we headed around the island to Old Dave's harbour, where we got quite the treat - you'll see in the photos.

We viewed the Otter Island lighthouse, briefly. And then: our campsite for the night. Cascade Falls. We could see it from across the water, and it was definitely a neat place to camp.

Prepare for picture overload! It's a two part post, because there are so many pictures. The other half will come later today with the Old Dave Harbour photos...

Morning brekkie at Bonamie Cove.

Packing up the kayaks

Can't take many pictures while paddling in the waves..but this was a calm section!


Kayaks lined up on the rocks. (We're finding the trowel for bathroom duties...)
Heading out of Old Dave's Harbour to see the lighthouse.

Newly automated lighthouse.

Cascade Falls & camping is on the horizon - after 19 km of paddling!

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