Monday 20 August 2012

Pukaskwa Trip - Arrival Day!

After a brief blip in our last few hours, we got to the park at about mid-day.

(I wasn't driving....but yes there was a little green slip of paper. Grrr.)
Finally, arrival at the 7th park in my goal to visit all 42 Canadian National Parks!

After we arrived, we had to sign in, pay all of our fees, have a back-country orientation & then figure out if all of our gear fit into our boats! (And I managed to get in the last hot shower for the next ten-ish days!)

Richard & I packing our boats (it all fit in!)

Ed's boat, Kim & Shaun packing their boats
 Our gear fit (barely), we unloaded again, and in came the water taxi to take us to our first campsite at the Pukaskwa River mouth.

water taxi incoming!

Drop off at Puk River

First kayak campsite!
First kayak sunset!


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