Wednesday 22 August 2012

Pukaskwa: First Official Paddling Day!

Finally. On Saturday morning, we headed out from the Puk River Campsite.

After just an hour or so of paddling we got to Imogen Cove and had the opportunity to check out the old Pukaskwa Depot, a logging town from the 30s. There wasn't much left to explore, but the bits and pieces left are enugh to inspire the imagination & have you seeing the old town alive again in your imagination!

Imogen Cove also had a beautiful long beach, and we ate lunch here (more like snacks & oranges.)

After leaving Imogen Cove, it took us another couple of hours paddling on the beautiful, calm lake to get to our destination for the evening: Bonamie Cove.

At Bonamie Cove, we found a surprise. Although there was no loo for us, yet there were real patio tables, a full size shovel, and a wire grate for over the fire. We took advantage!

Dinner at Bonamie Cove was supposed to be lunch....quinoa salad. We added the ham that was supposed to go with the evening nasi goreng meal and I have to say, I think it was my favourite meal of the trip!

Good-bye Puk River campsite!

Destination: Imogen Cove

Shaun checking out the remains of a cabin in Pukaskwa Depot @ Imogen Cove

My boat & Ed's taking a break on the beach at Imogen Cove

Our party at Imogen Cove

Ed filtering water at Bonamie Cove.

First group shot at Bonamie Cove on our wonderful, shoveled-out sand bench :) L-R: Richard, Shaun, Kim, myself, Ed
Sunset @ Bonamie Cove

Silhouette group shot. Who's who?

Pictures of the full campsite @ Bonamie coming tomorrow!

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