Monday 26 November 2012

On the Lack Thereof

I miss, miss, MISS my blogging. Really miss it.

To the point that right now, I am resisting resentment towards the things that keep me too busy to blog.

I took a "career quiz" today to prep for my last class of the day, where I am having my students take a series of quizzes to determine which careers might suit them.

The career topping my list? High school teacher.
Followed closely by middle school teacher and a host of other teaching-related professions.

Homemaking was listed 8th. Writer was listed somewhere down at the bottom, in the 20s. (Those are the two areas my future "job" lies in....)

So clearly, my job as a high school teacher suits me. And yet, on days like today, when I miss my blogging, and feel guilty for posting anyways (because you know, I should be marking or lesson-prepping) - days like today I struggle to not resent my job for the time it takes up.

It doesn't make me teach any differently than last year, when I had time for both; I don't love my students any less, I just wish I could stretch the day.

It really is "my fault" for moving to a new place, with a much longer commute.
But I can't resent the commute when it means I get to be closer to family, friends, and the love of my life each evening and weekend.

So, for now, I keep not blogging, and instead go to planning and marking. (Getting there!) And when I'm not working, I try to keep up on cooking and laundry and sleeping and seeing the people that mean much to me. (And buying a house, moving again, planning a know. The other things that have changed since last year that take more from my spare time...)

And, by the way, I love my life. All of it. The work, the people, the multiple blessings.

God is so good to me. And now, after reflecting on it in writing, I don't resent any more. Phewf! 

Plus, I've learned to say 'no'!!! (Good, right? Could still be better....)

Monday 5 November 2012

Long Overdue

Wow. Life has taken over, and I've stayed true to my promise not to blog as often. There's so much to blog about, but with a commute that's been extended by an extra 2 hours every day, there's just no chance to sit down & write it out.

I started this on the Teacher Convention days, and now, a few weeks later, report cards are done and I'm treating myself to a blog post.

Because I miss it. I really do.

But I hardly ever take out my computer after I get home from school. Most often, it's dinner, shower, bed. With a little time for meetings or wedding business or family/friend functions.

Nearly all school work needs to be done at school. Before school, after school, during prep or break. It's good that I'm teaching some very familiar courses, and that I've got a great co-teacher for the new course. I've also been getting some help with my 'easy' marking.

And, planning a wedding. Speaking of which, Ed & I got engaged! You knew that already, because I'm so slow that everyone knows despite the fact that my blog didn't, til now. You want some details? Okay:
  • Engagement date: September 8th.
  • Morning gift: Beautiful yellow flowers
  • Place: Port Dalhousie (fave childhood spot of mine - Ed's first time :)
    • Carousel
    • Walk on the pier
    • Walk on the beach
  • Ring! "Will you marry me?"
    • "Yes!"
    • "Are you sure?" (ha!)
    • Then I might have tooted. Elegant, right?
And then we went for dinner with both sets of parents = awesome! The waitress discovered that we'd just been engaged, so we got free champagne as well.The pictures should be coming, because I can't find them (thought I had them!)

And we started planning.
The wedding date: August 2nd, 2013. See the wedding page for any other details, as they come.

We had our engagement party on October 6th - it was so wonderful to see all the family & friends who came out to support us - probably about 75, and that wasn't even all who were invited! Thanks for coming out, everyone!

Gift table/Guest book signing
Where the party started...

Just a few great desserts :)

The whole party...!

Saturday 3 November 2012

New Comfort-food Recipes from Lately

Acorn Squash Soup - new ingredient, my own recipe
  • 1 acorn squash, microwaved whole for 8-10 minutes, then cut in half, remove seeds, and scoop out the flesh.
  • leftover celery, chopped (about half a bundle, leaves & all)
  • 1/2 large onion, chopped
  • 2-3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2-3 tbsp olive oil
  • 250 mL chicken stock
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tsp ground thyme
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 c. milk

  1. Chop onion, garlic & celery while acorn squash is microwaving
  2. Toss with olive oil & let it saute while scooping out acorn squash. (Careful, it's hot!)
  3. Toss squash in pan, along with everything but lemon juice & milk.
  4. Heat until all is soft.
  5. Remove bay leaf
  6. Blend using immersion blender
  7. Stir in milk & lemon juice.
  8. Serve
Grilled Brie Sandwiches w/ homemade chili ketchup - my own take on something I'd had elsewhere, and paid $5 for half the size!

    • 2 thin slices flax-seed rye or some other rye-style bread
    • sliced brie cheese
    • butter

    • 1/2 c regular ketchup
    • 1/4 c diced tomato (homemade canned or fresh)
    • 1/2 tsp chili pepper flakes
    • 1/2 tsp paprika
  1. Spread one side of each slice bread with butter
  2. Put brie cheese between slices, buttered side out.
  3. Place on parchment-paper lined baking sheet & place in 350 degree oven.
  4. Check & flip when browned on bottom (about 5 min.) 
  5. Pull out when browned on both sides.
  6. Meanwhile, stir ketchup, diced tomato, chili pepper flakes & paprika in small sauce pan. Heat over med-low heat, until hot through.
  7. Blend
  8. Serve with grilled brie sandwich.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Vehicular Milestone!

150,000. I added 50,000 km to my car in just over a year. Pretty good, no? Ed was driving when the odometer clicked over, so photo is courtesy of his skills (and my camera.)

Friday 14 September 2012

A first!

The end of this summer marked the very first time that I have ever put up canned preserves by myself.

Tomato juice was the start!

My first batch! Food mill, jar lifter & other tools on the left.

Simply take your tomatoes & boil them so that they are thoroughly cooked through. You want them soft.
Then, throw them in the food mill, a few at a time, and crank the handle over a large bowl.
Ta-da! Juice.
If you're not interested in seeds or pulp, find yourself a strainer. I didn't have a decent strainer or the time for this, so mine is seedy & pulpy, but deeeee-lish!

Then, use a funnel to pour the juice into the pre-warmed & sterilized jars. Leave a 1/2 inch of headspace at the top of the jars. Top with a new tin top that has been heated in hot water for approx. 5 minutes.

Finally, boil in a water bath for 25-30 minutes.

Take out using a jar lifter, and set on a towel on the counter. As they cool, you'll hear the lid "snap" shut as it seals.

For the next batch of juice, I added one hot banana pepper, 1/2 onion, and some garlic. It was spicy! (Means I got a good hot banana pepper!)


Thursday 13 September 2012

Cottage friend

On my last day at the cottage with Ed's family, we saw this little guy sleeping on my car. He gets an award: "First Canadian Tree Frog I Have Ever Seen."

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Seeing Triple?

The other day, I got stuck behind this sight on the way home from work. Not as bad as being stuck behind a group of bikers taking up two thirds of the road. That was just bad manners. These guys were moving faster than the bikers. And from all I could see, they were cuter too. (I'm not seeing the people weren't cute - I wasn't really checking. It's more of a statement on spandex. Not. Cute.)

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Hiatus :(

Sadly...this blog is gonna be taking a spot on the back burner as I figure out my new schedule. Living an hour's drive away from work means two less hours a day to get things done.

And waking up at 5:15 every morning means going to bed a few hours earlier than last year. I'm finding it absolutely necessary. My body never was impressed with such early mornings and it doesn't take the switch over very well. posts will come, but fewer and far-er between. And every other page and goal is being let go...for now.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Campfire Biscuits

One of our very favourite foods on this camping trip was the biscuits.

I don't have a recipe, because I discovered tea biscuit mix at Bulk Barn and all you had to do was add water. Perfect for kayak camping!

(Though, if you need to add milk to your recipe: skim milk powder mixed with water makes a great milk - even for drinking!)

There's a few ways you can cook these. In the pan (over a stove or fire) or...wrapped around a stick & cooked kinda like a marshmallow!

YUM! You can see our methods of cooking them (in a pan over the fire can be a bit tricky = burnt bottoms.)

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Pukaskwa - Day 4, Part 2

Old Dave's Harbour....

The Harbour

The old lighthouse keeper's house

The lighthouse keeper left now that the light is automated, and this is now emergency use in the park.

And - fun to explore :) Living area

Kitchen (apparently they have a problem with "wee beasties."

Even though we hadn't seen a toilet in days...this one did not appeal. Hole in the ground = still a better option.

Million dollar TO. Free for us!

Upstairs hallway


Back entrance


The sign by the door is one labeling the building "emergency use" by the National Park

Other side of the harbour

Ed taking a picture...

...Ed's picture :)

SUPER clear water!

Pukaskwa - Day 4, Part 1

Day 4 dawned, we had a leisurely breakfast, and got ourselves out onto the water.

Once we got out of Bonamie Cove, we met some waves. Not huge ones, but huger than what I'd been on before! Thankfully the wind was with us, and after the initial apprehension, riding the waves and dropping in the swells turned out to be quite a lot of fun! (And a good bit of hard work as well, to keep yourself headed in the right direction. My skeg doesn't as well as a rudder when it comes to waves. Better than any gym ab workout.)

We got out of the waves and into some calmer water when we got in between the mainland & Otter Island. By that point it was definitely time for lunch. I was getting grumpy, and hot dogs sounded good! Our option was a stone beach, where we also met some other kayakers.

After lunch, we headed around the island to Old Dave's harbour, where we got quite the treat - you'll see in the photos.

We viewed the Otter Island lighthouse, briefly. And then: our campsite for the night. Cascade Falls. We could see it from across the water, and it was definitely a neat place to camp.

Prepare for picture overload! It's a two part post, because there are so many pictures. The other half will come later today with the Old Dave Harbour photos...

Morning brekkie at Bonamie Cove.

Packing up the kayaks

Can't take many pictures while paddling in the waves..but this was a calm section!


Kayaks lined up on the rocks. (We're finding the trowel for bathroom duties...)
Heading out of Old Dave's Harbour to see the lighthouse.

Newly automated lighthouse.

Cascade Falls & camping is on the horizon - after 19 km of paddling!

Friday 24 August 2012


I missed being Sunny this summer.

For the first summer in 8 years (9?) I did not go to Campfire! as a counselor. I didn't even step foot on the property. HUGE sad face right there. Especially since a good friend of mine is on staff this year.

But, I've been busy and sometimes, you need to make [very] unfortunate sacrifices :(

That's not why I got these, but I still think my first "bought" flowers from Ed should get some recognition. Since they're so cheerful, and sunny, and I rather like them, and all. Hope they survive so I can enjoy them some more once I get back from the cottage!

They even match my Bible cover!

Thursday 23 August 2012

Meeting Mishap..

Of course, this WOULD happen on the way to the airport to meet Ed's parents for the very first time...

smoothie spilling disaster... of course I would take a photo!

We stopped at the mall so I could buy a new shirt. I walked in, grabbed a few, tried them on & came back out wearing the one I bought. No more big, pink, sour-dairy-smelling smoothie spots for me! And, the shirt was on a really good sale. Yay!

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Pukaskwa: First Official Paddling Day!

Finally. On Saturday morning, we headed out from the Puk River Campsite.

After just an hour or so of paddling we got to Imogen Cove and had the opportunity to check out the old Pukaskwa Depot, a logging town from the 30s. There wasn't much left to explore, but the bits and pieces left are enugh to inspire the imagination & have you seeing the old town alive again in your imagination!

Imogen Cove also had a beautiful long beach, and we ate lunch here (more like snacks & oranges.)

After leaving Imogen Cove, it took us another couple of hours paddling on the beautiful, calm lake to get to our destination for the evening: Bonamie Cove.

At Bonamie Cove, we found a surprise. Although there was no loo for us, yet there were real patio tables, a full size shovel, and a wire grate for over the fire. We took advantage!

Dinner at Bonamie Cove was supposed to be lunch....quinoa salad. We added the ham that was supposed to go with the evening nasi goreng meal and I have to say, I think it was my favourite meal of the trip!

Good-bye Puk River campsite!

Destination: Imogen Cove

Shaun checking out the remains of a cabin in Pukaskwa Depot @ Imogen Cove

My boat & Ed's taking a break on the beach at Imogen Cove

Our party at Imogen Cove

Ed filtering water at Bonamie Cove.

First group shot at Bonamie Cove on our wonderful, shoveled-out sand bench :) L-R: Richard, Shaun, Kim, myself, Ed
Sunset @ Bonamie Cove

Silhouette group shot. Who's who?

Pictures of the full campsite @ Bonamie coming tomorrow!


Two Mondays back, I came home from work to this wonderful notice on the bulletin board in the entryway.

My basement is done being painted! (Thanks to Ed :)

And no yellow footprints in funny places thanks to this note. Just the stretch under where the wardrobe sat & the walkway to the laundry had to be finished yet, and now they are complete. And we had to walk around it for two days, but that went just peachily.

Also, the last bits of paneling & baseboard were finished.

When I get back from these holidays, I can get it all set up. Woot!

Monday 20 August 2012

Pukaskwa Trip - Arrival Day!

After a brief blip in our last few hours, we got to the park at about mid-day.

(I wasn't driving....but yes there was a little green slip of paper. Grrr.)
Finally, arrival at the 7th park in my goal to visit all 42 Canadian National Parks!

After we arrived, we had to sign in, pay all of our fees, have a back-country orientation & then figure out if all of our gear fit into our boats! (And I managed to get in the last hot shower for the next ten-ish days!)

Richard & I packing our boats (it all fit in!)

Ed's boat, Kim & Shaun packing their boats
 Our gear fit (barely), we unloaded again, and in came the water taxi to take us to our first campsite at the Pukaskwa River mouth.

water taxi incoming!

Drop off at Puk River

First kayak campsite!
First kayak sunset!
