Thursday 12 April 2012

Cause # 4: ARPA

Political Science. Something I never imagined I'd be interested in, let alone thought I'd major in.

Right up to my first semester of uni, when I HAD to take first-year poli sci, as it was the only course available in the time period I needed. I was dreading it. I'd hated civics in grade ten; politics was boring.

And then I started the course. By the end of the year, I declared my majors: History ( a subject I'd also hated at one point) and Political Science.

Now I teach grade ten civics - and I'm attempting to make it somewhat more interesting than it was when I took it. Quite the feat, as the textbook we are using is the one that was already not-quite-current when I used it in grade ten.....

I do love to use the website of the Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA.)

Check them out! They are not asking for money, but for prayer. And, for you to GET INVOLVED! They make involvement easy, and: it's your God-given responsibility! Not mention a right of all Canadians.

Do it!

Oh, and politics isn't boring at all.

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