Monday 9 April 2012

An Easter Holiday

Here I am.
I'm smelly (like smoke & a beginning-of-season cottage) and itchy and my hair is limp and tangled and, let's face it: disgusting.
But, I'm also rested, relaxed, and so glad to have spent the celebration of my Lord's death and resurrection with a good group of friends (old & new) in the midst of yet another part of God's glorious creation.

Here's a summary of our holiday:

  1. Shaun, Joel, Kim, Sandra & Ed arrive at mine & help pack my stuff into our two vehicles.
  2. Stop at Reinink's to pick up Etta; help her put two kayaks on her car.
  3. Try out Lambert's new creation: the dune buggy. (It just brings tears to your eyes, it's so wonderful.)
  4. Get to the cottage by dinner time. Unpack. Heat the place.
  5. Eat Joel's spaghetti dinner.
  6. Walk down to the beach to watch the sun set.
  7. Chill in the living room, play Apples to Apples (I win! I'm refined, poplar, stunning, misunderstood & something else...apparently.)
  8. Bedtime, in the loft for me & Etta :D
  1. Lazy sleep-in
  2. Omelette breakfast by Ed.
  3. Morning kayak to the islands with Ed, Shaun, Etta & Joel (Ed & I try out our kayaks for the first time!)
  4. Lunch; Mike, Lambert & Sharlene arrive
  5. Hike at Bruce Peninsula National Park( a separate post on it's own!)
  6. Burgers for dinner - Etta's meal.
  7. Campfire on the beach
  8. Euchre
  9. Showers
  10. Sleep time!
  1.  Up early; pancake breakfast by Shaun
  2. To church in Owen Sound
  3. Lunch @ Reinink's
  4. To church in Owen Sound
  5. Back to the cottage
  6. Bring out Ed's Aussie-rules footie; play at the beach (I waded to the sand bars in my wellies)
  7. Eat Kim's delicious dinner
  8. Say goodbye to Etta :(
  9. Hang out inside, take naps & crash.
  1. Sleep in; Eat bacon cooked by Sandra.
  2. Take a nap
  3. Do devos with Ed
  4. Walk to the beach to find the others; they're not there (yet) so we chill & enjoy the beautiful weather
  5. Leftovers for lunch; pack up & clean
  6. Drop Etta's forgottens off at Reinink's
  7. Nap in the van.
  8. Drop me off. Get weekend pics from Sandra & Kim
  9. Change facebook cover photo & profile picture.
  10. Shop for jelly-beans. Walmart has none.
  11. Procrastinate on report cards by blogging...
Now I'm going to shower. This will be edited with pictures soon. For now: it is being posted as-is.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys had quite the weekend :) Glad everyone was safe throughout. Now stop procrastinating missy and write those report cards. You'll feel so much better once they are done.
