Monday 9 April 2012

Tales from the South: Ziplining!!

I feel like I'm going through blog-withdrawal. Just one messy blog last week :(  (and "Dreaming.")

I have so much to share that rarely do I get to share it all.

But this, this is something I don't want to forget: zip-lining! Something I never even knew I wanted to do.

I had thoughts of being nervous about it. Then I did it. And now I realise why the nerves never went further than just thought. It is FUN! And not at all scary. And, just happened that is was a beautiful, gorgeous, 30 degree day!

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Gerb coming in perfectly on the practise run
They brought us up the mountain in the back of a truck


Le zipping along like a pro

Emily W's turn! Notice the tiny people waiting at the other end?

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