Sunday 1 April 2012

Consider this a March Post

It's late evening right now. Or early morning, if you think on it.

I came home too late to write my 15th March blog post under the "March" archive. I guess having 20+ posts in both January & February somewhat makes up for it.

Things I accomplished this past month:

1. I led the KY 2012 trip (and well, according to a wonderful, anonymous commenter - thank you!)
2. I tried a few new recipes (two last night, even! Crockpot roast and creme brulee - I'll update that later.)
3. I picked up my kayak!! Hopefully we can take them out next weekend.
4. I achieved over 1000 blog views , well ahead of the end of the month. (It's an unofficial goal of mine to get at least that many each month.)

I'm sure there are some more things I've done. But that's a good enough list for me! The flossing on the other hand is...horrible. I should get on that (again.)

This month...well, you'll not here from me for at least the next week. I have a couple of evening meetings, scads of marking, and report cards to write before the end of Thursday. Reports are due in the following Tuesday, but I'm gone to the cottage with friends for Easter weekend. And that NEEDS to be a holiday for me. I can't keep up this pace otherwise!

Alright...I'm off. Enjoy your April Fool's day. By the should check out the epic pranks here.

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