Thursday 5 April 2012


I have dreams. They're big dreams. Why dream small when God is capable of great things?

Here's my problem, though: I sometimes often forget that God is the one leading the way.

Oh, I hate when I do that, when I worry and try to force myself to dream smaller, so that I can more easily accomplish things. Because it's not about what I can do, it's about what God has planned for me.

"I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and future.'" Jeremiah 29:11

"For nothing is impossible with God." Luke 1:37

And those are just a few of the more popular verses God uses to reassure me that He is in charge, not me.

The place where God taught me to dream. (Photo cred: Alyssa VO)

And then I have the confidence to step ahead, and keep living towards the fulfillment of my dreams, because I know God is with me.

1. Ever since I was a little girl, my biggest dream has been to get married and have babies.
      It's not exactly the future most feminists want little girls dreaming of. "You can do more! You can be great! You can be famous! You can have a career! You don't have to stay locked up at home! Children just tie you down! Don't settle until you find Mr. Right! If Mr. Right isn't right, try again!"
       But I like my dream. I wouldn't feel tied down, I'd feel blessed. 
       (That's why I've always readily admitted my dream to any who asked. It's not a secret!)

2. I want to be a writer. I want to express myself artistically. I want my children to be able to read about what I thought, and what I did, even years after I'm gone.
      I journal. But blogging? Oh, I love blogging. It combines all of my "wants" - and includes another thing even more basic to me, to Emily: letting my light shine. My light, is the light of Christ in me.
      I want to develop this blog so that it reflects me. I feel like it's only partly started.

3. I want to praise God! 
     And you better believe that I need God's guiding & strength for that ultimate task! Without faith, I am nothing, and God is the giver of faith and grace. And without faith, I would belong in another realm altogether, where praising God would be the very thing I would avoid at all costs.
     I want to do this (praise God) in many ways:
             - in my writing
             - in my words and demeanour
             - in active service

I could go on & on about my dreams, what they are & what they're not, but I think we'll leave it there for now. I'm gonna go dream about getting some report cards finished so I can holiday tomorrow!!!

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