Tuesday 24 April 2012

Spring is Finally, Truly Here

This is what I drove to school in this morning:
Almost more snow on the road than any other time this past winter!

Pretty, though!

This is also what I saw out the window at school all day.
It is also what I saw while driving from school to Elmira to tour MCC's mobile meat canner.

When I got home, a mere three hours later,  from spending time with John & Michelle (after the tour) it looked like this:
Blue skies, sun shining, green grass...

And this is what it looked like as I drove to Elora:
Still blue skies & green grass (slightly masked by my dirty car window...)

Spring is here!


  1. It looks like 4 seasons in one day!
    They say that can happen here in Albany too, but not quite as extreme as where you are.
    I have never seen snow on the ground here!

  2. It was quite the change in 12 hours!
