Thursday 12 April 2012

Tales from the South: Trail Clean-Up

Every Wednesday morning that Faithworks spends with SWAP in Kentucky, we clean up Little Shepherd Trail.
It's our way of giving back to the community that hosts us.

And every year lends us some interesting finds.
Some years it's diapers, others its undies.
We find skulls & dead animals.
There's car parts and home reno remains.
And always the usual cans & bottles.

And, we always have fun!

A gorgeous morning: view from the top of Margot's driveway

Someone dumped their shed? We can take care of that...

...Step 1: get it off the hill & on the road. Step 2: get it off the road & on the truck...

Ta-da! Good work, group!

Clean-up crew '1' at the bus, with Bec holding evidence of where the goats went to...

They used their muscles, yes they did! Showing off this year's haul.

How many people can we fit in one truck!? You better believe the truck complained about it. Loudly.

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