Friday 3 February 2012

Cause # 2: Faithworks

Faithworks is a cause very near & dear to me, and one that you can support in a way that doesn't involve your pocket book (though it could!)

James 2:18 "But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds." 

I'm actually on the Faithworks committee - I'm the secretary as well as a Kentucky SALT trip leader. And this is one committee that I don't want to give up any time soon.

Faithworks is a sub-committee of the Canadian Reformed World Relief Fund (CRWRF). As a committee, we run short-term service trips. There's a lot more to it - paperwork, evaluations, meetings, etc.

But here's where you can support us:

  1. Prayer - for us as a committee, but also for our SALT trip members and our partner organizations - that all of us can praise God in our deeds
  2. Join a SALTeam! Look for our upcoming trips & application deadlines. Find a contact form on our website or e-mail us (servewithfaithworks @ gmail . com.)
  3. Support a team member - look for bulletin announcements, contact us, there are lots of ways to get to know the people who are going on these trips to serve & learn. 
  4. Become a committee member - we're looking for a couple more right now, in fact.

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