Tuesday 21 February 2012


In less than three weeks, we will have completed our first work day in Kentucky with the 2012 Faithworks SALTeam!

Can you say excited?? Cuz that's what I am!!!! Oh I love, love, LOVE this place on earth.

Last night, to celebrate Family Day, I had an impromptu party. There were seven of us girls at one point. And all of us but one had been to Kentucky. It was so great being excited together (not the whole time. We played Apples to Apples as well. And discovered that to some people, large mouth bass are sensual (or cuddly.) And to others, construction workers are irresistable (or dainty.) I handed out some help-line numbers in both cases :P)

Send-off is in less than TWO weeks! Contact one of us if you'd like to come :)

I'm already half-packed. Hold your comments. It's the work clothes bit that's packed. And these aren't the kinda work clothes I can get away with as a teacher. Unfortunately.

And...the people! Can't wait to spend time bonding with the team, and of course getting to see some of my favourite Kentuckians, and meet some new ones too!

As for the work? The work's great, but it's mainly the means to building new relationships. An excellent means, if you ask me.

Can't wait to visit my very favourite place on earth, once again!

1 comment:

  1. yes those phone numbers are extremely helpful thanks! :)
