Tuesday 28 February 2012

Why I blog

Why do I blog?

You might notice that there's a wide assortment of "stuff" on here (heavy on the recipes lately.)

So what's my purpose?

  1. I like lots of stuff. 
  2. People ask me to share stuff (pictures, recipes.)
  3. I like to journal about stuff.
  4. Blogging with pictures makes it easy to put down memories of stuff for the future.
  5. I don't want to forget good stuff or favourite stuff.
  6. Sharing stuff which is important to me.
  7. Family & friends far away can keep up with stuff.
I think I'm over that word now. You can stop reading.

Wanna see pictures?

I made cheese pizza. I used homemade bread dough for the crust. Cottage cheese was a poor idea though. Not flavourful enough. The rest was delish!

The girls viewing a particular dress.... :)

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