Monday 27 February 2012


So last night I was thinking I'd write me up a blog post. Then it got too late, so I just went to bed instead. Past midnight. Again.

I'm telling myself that tonight, tonight I will go to bed early. I doubt it will happen. Too much is going on around here for sleep. Sleep? What's that? Why, I'd much rather plan out morning staff devotions in my dreams and mark Bible assignments (before the next ones come along) and write tests for my World Issues course (because unlike last semester, this course has NOTHING prepped.) And then my mind wanders to "what groceries do I need to get for food lab this week?" And then it moves on to Kentucky. I have to get the devotions all set up for the week, and photocopy. Gotta photocopy lotsa forms. And then wonder "Is the send-off good to go? I should check in with the people who are on-duty for planning it..." And then there's Japan.

Oh yes, did I mentioned I am for sure-zees headed to the other side of the northern hemisphere this summer?
Leading a Faithworks team, lotsa working alongside Japanese Christians, and hopefully sushi & tea.

And that's how my mind works. Overdrive.

And that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Of course, I do have other, far more exciting things to think on too.
That's why my weekend was a good one, folks.

Because I have friends and I know people. And they are pretty special and quite lovely.

(I also went snowboarding. And we actually had some real winter. 2 hours north of here.)

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