Wednesday 29 February 2012

Snow Day Power Outage!

We had a freezing rain day today. Which was actually kinda legit at a few points. Unlike Friday's "snow" day.

It was wonderful anyways. Sleep-in, company over, breakfast & lunch at home...

And then, about 2:30, the power went out. Long enough for me to realise how stone-cold bored I'd be if it stayed off all night. And how beautifully quiet it is with nothing running. I'da been fine if I had a book I've never read.

Started book five in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but as usual I need to take a break after a couple of chapters to let my brain rest. (Ok, I took a nap...)

Then I listened to the radio for news on the power outage. They  said to check the internet for closings. Like the internet was working during a POWER OUTAGE people!? (Unless you've upgraded to a 'smart' phone, of course.)

And this:

I got to use candles (thanks for this one, Rink!)

Radio news updates on power outage, journalling, and texting others about power outage.

See that radio in that there picture? That is gold, my friends. Check out my giftlist tab to find out where you can get yours. (Eton Corp, I take cash, you're welcome for the advertisement.) Anyways, it's wind-up & solar powered, has a flashlight (great for windowless basement apartment bathrooms during power outages.) And it has wireless radio (great for listening to news updates on the same.)

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