Thursday 1 March 2012

Lions & Lambs

" like a lion, out like a lamb..." is the saying I've always heard on March first. And now I can't stop it from popping into my head. I'm sure that one day, if I'm blessed with children, they'll hear it too. And maybe it will be a never-ending cycle. Kinda like the "Song that Never Ends" - you know, the one you always sang on school trips until the teacher got a headache got sick of it and put a stop to it. (So much for a song that never ends!) And there was always the class clown (usually, but not always, of the male variety) who'd sing one last line of it. He'd get in trouble and then everyone would know the teacher was serious.

Why must someone always get in trouble before the class realizes that the teacher is serious? I hate that.

Anyways. Where was I? Ah yes. Lions & lambs. It's said that if March comes in like a lion (bad weather) then it will go out like a lamb (good weather.)

For this winter season, March came in like a lion. One school division was even cancelled. All four divisions in our region were cancelled yesterday. As it was leap day/February 29 - which would be the first day of March 3 out of every 4 years - we can even claim that as lion-ish beginning to March.

So anyways. Apparently March first is rather a lion for me too. He (the lion) took up residence in my head - which sent emergency messages to my stomach to feel sick. I went home and slept the day away. Away from the lights and smells and sounds that are a high school:

Fluorescent lights, sometimes flickering. An over-exuberant amount of Axe sprayed in the hallways. Strong coffee in the staff room. The photocopier beeping. Talking, talking, more talking. 

You get the picture. 

Once those things all bother me, there's no hope. Medication won't help. Sleep is the only cure. 4 hours of sleep & a bit of good-for-you food later....

Migraine lion is nearly vanquished now. Though today made me hope even more for the March-end lamb.

Hopefully by then, we will actually be experiencing the spring that has flirted with our senses all 'winter'. And hopefully I won't have a migraine to deal with then either.

As for other March happenings..there's a slew of posts coming already. A new recipe (Chipotle mayo & sweet potato oven-fries, anyone?) and a cause.

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