Wednesday 28 March 2012

"Food Should Taste Good"

The title of this post is inspired by the brand name of some awesome tortilla chips that I just recently discovered.

Food Should Taste Good brand Olive tortilla chips. My new favourite chip. These are delish. And organic. With no artificial colour, flavour, or preservatives. No MSG either. If you're vegan, you can eat them. If you can't have gluten, you can eat them. If your religion calls for a kosher diet, you can eat them. If you need can eat them. AND: I betcha I could even get a meat-atarian to like them. My brothers could be a little trickier, but I'd bet it could be done (if I were the betting sort. Which I'm not.)

Proof that food can taste good and be good for you. All in one bag. And they're not even paying me to say this. (They probably should.)

I tried to eat these with salsa. Nope, I like them better 'plain.' And I'm a salsa-lovin' kinda girl.

I tried to eat them with goat cheese & antipasto. Which is all well and good, but the flavours didn't quite match. Gotta find another chip/cracker to go with that.

Other foods I love?

Bolthouse Farms' Mango Lemonade. I discovered it the summer I landscaped. I haven't looked back. Yum. Also fresh, preservative-free, and healthy for you.

I'm eating these two as a snack right now.Yum.

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