Tuesday 20 March 2012

Tales from the North: Spring has Arrived!

Today, I caught the temperature gauge on my car at 27 degrees. Celsius. See?

The crocuses that were barely showing purple this morning, were in full bloom when I got home. (Yes, I know they close at night, this was the first time they showed up, however.)

This one was still wokring on opening for the first time.

I'm eating baked chicken, watermelon & potato salad for supper.

Baked Chicken recipe: [my (better) version of shake'n'bake]
  • chicken
  • "shake'n'bake" (2 c. bread crumbs, 1 tbsp each: parsley, oregano/basil, 1 tsp each: salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder.)
  1. The recipe above makes enough "shake'n'bake" for 20 chicken breasts, so adjust your amounts according to how much chicken you're making.
  2. Rinse chicken with water
  3. Dredge in bread crumb mix
  4. Place on foil-lined baking sheet
  5. Bake at 325-350 for 30-35 m
  6. Serve & enjoy!

And then, on my way to run errands, I saw a beautiful sunset. Approximately 30 seconds after the picture was taken, the clouds completely closed over the sun.

Love the clouds!

I finished my evening by running out to grab a specialty ingredient for tomorrow's food & nutrition lab at Michael's. Of course, I couldn't resist browsing, and came away with some gifts & fun things for myself too (they had a rack of stuff for $0.45!)
And, as I walked out, I noticed that they give a discount for teachers. Of course I'd notice it then. Next time, I'll take advantage!

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