Friday 30 March 2012

Tales from the South: Sunday

This year Sunday in Harlan was a tad bit unusual.

First of all, this is usually the first chance that we get to see a bit more of the area. After hiking Knobby Rock on Saturday already, the pressure was on to see more on Sunday.

Second of all, our usual lookout point over the city was inaccessible due to road construction. I think this affected our group-picture taking (because the only group shot we have is the standard SWAP-issue one - always good, but usually supplemented by multiple others.)

Sunday morning we went to church as usual - this year at Harlan Christian again (the new usual.) It was wonderful - a good sermon by the new pastor, and a chance to connect briefly with old acquaintances.

Sunday afternoon we viewed the tunnels, used the vans as changing-rooms, & then brought our picnic lunch to Kingdom Come State Park. We viewed Log Rock before lunch. I never tire of that place. It's my most-visited park. And it's a 13 hour drive away from my home.

Log Rock

View from the lookout behind Log Rock

After lunch we did devotions with our devo partners - it was awesome to enjoy creation and study God's Word at the same time!

And then we finished off our afternoon adventures with a quick visit to Halcomb Overlook and a short hike (actually short this time) to the natural amphitheatre.

Trail signage to Amphitheatre

Can you spot all the Faithworks hikers?

Amphitheatre seating

Amphitheatre Ants

Amphitheatre Ants II

Finally, we finished up the day with an awesome spaghetti dinner together with the youth group from Harlan Christian. The kids really enjoyed themselves and the youth pastor (BRYAN, folks!) left us all encouraging notes in our pocket patches.

And, finally-finally, the day ended with group devos and an early bedtime! :)

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