Thursday 8 March 2012

1 sleep

One sleep til our team leaves for Kentucky again! (2 sleeps for all those who take a nap before we go...)

I can't wait. I'm so excited to get back there, and spend time with many dear friends who have joined this year's team. Love it!

I'm often asked/challenged on my decision to go during my March break - a break that the rest of my coworkers will often use to catch up on sleep and marking. Yes, I feel physically in need of a break as well.

But even more so mentally. And a mental break I get, mostly.

But even more: having a week like this dedicated fully to God's service and being immersed in his creation and Word is exactly what I need at this time of year. Spiritual refreshment. It's the most important kind.

Sure, it can be difficult to work through physical and mental weariness, but what I have learned above everything else is this: spiritual weariment is worst of all. It makes you feel mentally and physically and emotionally weary as well. Even if you have enough rest and a light mind by worldly standards.

So, I'm excited. Excited to once again spend time refreshing my soul and sharing the joy of God's service with others.


(and yes, I recognize that this is not all about me. It truly isn't. It's about service and praise to God, my Father. And being spiritually refreshed means doing my job better for him, and more glory to His Name!)


  1. It helps knowing that only a couple weeks later you get to go to a cottage for a long weekend and then a week later go the Rathfon. Those weekends will provide all the physical and mental refreshment you need to push through till the summer! :)
