Monday 26 March 2012

As I Sit

I'm eating a large salad. I think it's meant as an appetizer for 4, but it makes a good quick dinner for one. Pumpkin Harvest, it's called. Pretty good till you reach the last bit. By then, you're over the flavour.

I'm also preparing to dash off to get my tax return all done up for me. Here's to hoping I get something back this year!

But in the few minutes I have left to finish my salad-accompanying chocolate milk, here's a quick recap of my weekend.
  1. It was awesome.
  2. I spent too much money.
  3. It rained.
  4. I got to spend the entire day with a favourite person of mine.
  5. We watched the Saturday line-up of videos on the Banff Mountain Film Festival world tour. It was relly cool.
  6. We visited my family on Sunday.
  7. It was awesome.
This, is an awful picture of us. But, there was wind & rain, so it was a one-taker.

The "combination plate" to share, for dinner. Hummus, Israel salad, tabbouleh, falafel, hummus.

Sitting in the theatre at intermission. We had the best seats in the house :)
 My chocolate milk is still not done....

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