Thursday 22 March 2012

Tales from the South: Saturday

For the first time that I've been down to Kentucky with Faithworks, we arrived before 12. 12 noon, to be

We even stopped for breakfast!

Being early meant we did our first DQ stop of the trip right away. We grabbed some lunch (and/or ice cream because of the beautiful weather.)

And then : Knobby Rock

I clearly have forgotten how far the 'short' climb is, since I said a couple of times "we're nearly there." (We were halfway the first time.) It was probably also that it was a far more difficult climb than usual. Hiking after a night of no sleep and a DQ lunch lets you know how wore out your body can get under those circumstances.

But, I did apologize for misleading them, and told them that the climb would definitely be worth it. It was.


Alyssa & Emily Br

Edward :)

View from Knobby Rock

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