Thursday 29 March 2012

Spring has Sprung

It is officially a Canadian spring!

How can I tell?

  • My winter boots are lined up right next to my summer sandals...and both have been used in the past week.
  • My coat collection hanging on the hook (i.e. not in the closet) has grown: winter everyday coat, winter Sunday coat, spring everyday jacket, spring sunday jacket. This way they're ALL handy for whichever type of weather the heavens see fit to send on any given day.
  • The weather forecasters tell me to get out my rain jacket and wellies too.
  • My umbrella accompanies sunglasses, as well as a snow brush and blanket in my car.
  • (I'm almost hoping for a snow day tomorrow! A fog day will work too. Or an ice day. I'm not picky.)
  • I can't tell if my apartment is cold because of winter, or because the ac has kicked in. Either way, I'm bundled up indoors.
  • Everyone new to Canada fell completely in love with the summery weather 2 weeks back and 
    • Started changing in their snow tires for all seasons. (Ha!)
    • Declared it "summer at last" (... in their defense, winter did feel a bit more spring-like than usual this past season.)
  • My laundry basket contains shorts and mittens (no joke!) 
How can you tell when it's officially spring in Canada?

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