Monday 19 March 2012

Tales from the South, Part 1

Kentucky was awesome, as usual.

Only more awesome than ever before, unusually.

There are a few reasons. Some I'll even share with you!

1. Both the trip there and the trip back were made in a record breaking  less than 12 hours each (11h 50 m, and 11h 45m respectively.)
2. The weather was above 20 every day.
Wednesday's temps were pretty sweet.
3. We had an awesome crew of people: deep thinkers and all around just a fun lot.

4. Bill and Evelyn were the best homeowners I have ever had. Such a sweet, godly, elderly couple. More later.

5. All of our crews got done their work & then some.
6. There was a thunderstorm Thursday night.
7. And the first rainbow I've ever seen on top of the mountain.
Stolen from Jen, because my pics didn't turn out so good.
 8. We went ziplining!

I'll give ya deets in the coming posts, but for now: it's all about catching up on school work and getting some sleep!


  1. you need a like button on your blog! :)

  2. Thanks!
    (Some blogs have them. Maybe I should figure out how that works :)
