Thursday 8 March 2012

A Precious Child

Today after school I went to visit my friend Andrea at her new house. They just moved in, and I needed to come see it.

So I did. I walked in the door and Andrea's little girl greeted me with a question: "Do you want to play with me?"

So after the house tour, we sat at the dining room table and strung beads in patterns on shoelace-type string.
Then we played doctor.

Apparently, my heart is beeping (phew!) Also, my bones are red (a la Clifford) and my brain is brown. All this she could see by pressing a book down over my stomach.

So all those days when I'm not making sense? It's because my brains are in my stomach.

Later on, she stuck my finger in a medicine cup filled with imaginary soil to grow a thumb-ring. Um. Ok.

That girl is a doll. I love her to bits, and I don't see her nearly often enough. She tied herself to me with her bathrobe strings when I tried to leave after dinner, and it took a cuddle and some promises of visits to my house in order to get out of the house. Talk about making my heart feel guilty!

It was a fun couple of hours though, also seeing Andrea & Kevin's new place and spending some time chatting with them over dinner.

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