Friday 10 February 2012


There are SO MANY places in this world I'd love to see. I'm a homebody with the travel bug.

I love my home. I love having a place to call mine to go home to every night. And, secretly, I even love having my own time. Just as long as there's not too much of it, you understand.

But traveling??? Oh yes please. Give me the guarantee that I'll go home sometime and we're good.

I have loved every time I've traveled so far. Whether for a weekend, or for 7 weeks, or somewhere in between, I love visiting. That might be key. I don't think I've ever gone a trip where it was all about what was there, rather than who was there. I'd be pretty pathetic at the whole "let's explore this new place all by myself!" I like to share my experiences. It's also cheaper to stay with people you know :)

The actual "trying to get there bit" can be boring, especially as I've done most of my traveling by myself - but usually there's new scenery (driving) or people to watch (flying.) The only thing that's sad is when I get motion sick. Airplane aisle seats & car front seats for me! But ferries? Don't even talk to me about ferries.

Some places I'd yet love to see:
  • all 50 US states, and their major attractions.
  • all the Canadian Provinces & territories - and the national parks
  • the CN tower (yes, I've lived an hour away my entire life. No, I've never been up the tower.)
  • Europe: I'd do this the backpack method. So if anyone wants to join me....
    • France (Nice, and Paris of course: with Notre Dame, and the Louvre, and the Eiffel tower, and L'Arc du Triomphe, and Les Champs Elysees.)
    • Switzerland (the Alps, Geneva)
    • Italy (Florence - Dante's hometown & Rome. Also Cinque Terre & Venice.)
    • And whatever else catches my eye. Do Britain/Scotland Ireland fit in this category too? If so, add those.
  • Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland
    • I don't know what it is but I'd LOVE to just explore & see the sights in these countries. 
  • Australia & New Zealand
    • Who doesn't want to see the sights & enjoy the weather?
  • Africa: S. Africa, Tanzania, Mali, 
    • I'd love to visit these places, mostly if there's some way in which I could work effectively alongside the people living there.
  • Caribbean islands like St Lucia, Aruba, etc. Just not if I have to stick to resorts the entire time.
  • India - to experience the culture.
  • South-Eastern Asia. For the food and the culture...but I need to research these places better.
  • Etcetera. Give me an opportunity to go somewhere new, and I will grab it. Kinda like this Japan thing. Hope it works out!

1 comment:

  1. Count me in for the europe trip as long as I am no longer in school :)
