Saturday 11 February 2012


So here I home ON A SATURDAY!!!

Don't worry, I'm not ill. And I'm leaving tonight.

But, in the meantime, I am totally enjoying a smoothie & grapefruit, and cleaning this place up while jamming out to WOW worship while actual winter weather goes on outdoors!

Would you believe my Christmas tree & other decorations are still up?? I know. It's nearly mid-February. That's why, today, it's getting packed away for another season. {and done!}

My sink & counter this morning were piled HIGH with dishes. Now I can use my counter. Like, for actual baking or something. I might even make cookies...

And then there's the papers and junk. I keep all my receipts & stuff, pile 'em high on the desk for a couple months & then tackle the stack. It's easier than filing everything right away and having to sort through the files all the time to ditch old things. Speaking of the is NOT moving with me. And I am willing to give it to a good home. But you need strong arms to carry this thing out!

Would you believe I've half-packed for Kentucky too? Just the work clothes, mind. Had to sort through them anyways, and I'm trying to take just my small suitcase along this year, with my sleeping bag separate (last year I fit all my bedding into my suitcase too.)

And then the rest of my clothes got sorted, laundry folded, & I managed to empty drawers, baskets, wardrobes & closets of some excess clothing which I'll bring to the clothing exchange in a couple of weeks.

And now, after a lovely evening with Andrea, I'm headed to Hamilton to hang out.

(wow...this was like an all-day post. I've been writing it bit-by-bit since this morning.)

I like productive days. Hope yours was too!

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