Monday 11 June 2012

A Date :)

I'm losing steam this month. After having to transfer my blog to a new domain, I've lost a lot of the push to keep up my efforts to get this blog where I want it to go. Or maybe it's just that it's the last month of school and I'm feeling the pressure?

I think probably some of both. So I hope you'll bear with me. I have so many things backlogged that I'd love to write about, but today I'll write about my weekend date. Which was wonderful :)

Ed showed up at the end of my driveway before I did. I was a little later getting back from school than I'd intended.

And then, I convinced him to help me paint. We carried out the bookcase and nightstand which were on the list and sanded them down, wiped off the dust, and set to work. It was sweaty work, out in the hot sun like that, but both were covered in a fresh coat of primer when we were done!

 After the clean-up & a change of clothes we headed down the road. We got a few hundred meters before stopping again at the side of the road. There was a garage sale. And not just any garage sale, but one made up of antiques and collectibles. We walked out of there with a set of Winston Churchill's World War books in pristine condition, a [working] antique sewing machine, and the real catch: a 1920's steamer trunk. The guy hosting the sale gave us full directions on restoring the trunk. Can't wait to see that project done!

And, with the trunk & back seat full, we headed out again, actually ending up at our intended destination this time: W Sushi. This is where I cross off another bucket-list item. I wasn't hugely impressed with the sushi (Ed said he's had better) but the hot-and-sour soup was amazing! I would go again just for that. Such a lovely mix of beef, noodle, tofu, and just plain broth-y goodness. Yum.

Pictures from Ed's cam:


The California rolls were ok :)

Learning how to use chopsticks (it's a work in progress...)



After this...someone picked me some of my favourite flowers....a post on its own (cuz I gotta find my own pics back...)

And at my house again, we played my new game: Dominion!

Seriously though, not sure I could have asked for a better evening! It's right up there with the Bayfront-in-the-Rain date (which I never wrote about, but was pretty wonderful all the same. I mean...I got to jump in puddles! What could be better? :P)

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