Thursday 21 June 2012

Back in Time

We go back in time to view a few park pictures. Remember the last park pictures I posted with Serena? That was Friday night, this was Saturday.

We splurged on Wendy's for lunch, and brought it to a bench by the riverside to eat. We also fed some ducks & geese who were there, but were interrupted soon after by a strange lady. I'm still not convinced that she was all there... It was rather awkward. She chatted to us, tried to tell Serena's "mommy" how to take the best care of her (yes, she was referring to me), and wanted a hug from Serry. How do you deal with that? We finished up lunch as quick as we could and then removed ourselves to play at the playground.

I realised after that I probably could have just gently explained that Ser wasn't allowed to be so friendly with strangers (somehow.) Anyways, with that awkward moment of the day over, we had fun. Plenty of baby geese for Serry to 'ooh' & 'ahh' over, a slide, a swing, a bridge...

It was beautiful & fun.

Can you spot the butterfly?

Goose family in front of the bridge which Serry ran over a few times....


Episode 3..."Cake" coming up next...

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