Tuesday 19 June 2012

And the Blue Jays win!

I grew up hearing about the Toronto Blue Jays, recognizing their logo from the t-shirts, ball caps, and banners that my older brothers had around the house.

I also played baseball - at school, at home. Spring had sprung when you could take a bat outside and send a ball whizzing across the still-brown grass towards the little lumps of dirty snow still left in the field. My best hit of the season always happened that first day.

I attended a ball game out in the Dominican Republic with my service team back in 2009, but this was my first real-live Jays game. And they won! They made those last few innings very exciting to watch.

Oh, and I think after that one game, Ed might know the rules of baseball better than I do. Must be a guy thing to catch on so quick....

Oh, and why were we there, might you ask? My staff decided that a ball game would be a great year-end staff social. It was. Dinner afterwards was fun too - a more relaxed setting in which to talk shop :)

In the Roger's Centre - Jays up to bat.

Watching baseball in the shadow of the CN tower

Lawrie up at bat - Jays logo backing him up :)

Blue Jays win! (says the running banner on either side)

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