Saturday 21 July 2012

I'm moving! A Basement Renovation Story.

I am in the process of moving. That process is nearly complete. I even got my driver's license address changed. It should be coming in the mail soon.

Today, as you read this, I will be packing up the remainder of my first-ever apartment, and leaving it forever.

In this process, I discovered Salvation Army too.

But, more importantly, I am moving from this:

Old photos of my apartment. It seems less crowded and wall hangings have changed...

to this:

Furniture is now out. But note the lovely dragonfly patterned wallpaper!

There's my mattress! Surrounded by 1970's panelling. Avant garde by now, I'm sure. (I'd already started stripping the early 90's wallpaper!)


Almost my favourite part of the entire basement....

Granted, my furniture is not yet moved in (everything in those photos is the last renter's - except for the mattress on the floor) but look at the difference in eras. In light and dark. In live-ability. 

And. Stay tuned for what I did, with a lot of help from Ed, and some help from a few others, to make it into a more liveable space.

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