Thursday 26 July 2012

Winning the Lottery: Bonnechere edition

2 weekends ago, a bunch of us headed up to Bonnechere.

Funny story: we thought it would take us 3 hours to get there from Hamilton.

Try FIVE and a HALF!

My poor, sore, I-finally-did-some-physical-labour body was not having fun.

But, we got there. I survived. And enjoyed the lazy days.

Those days looked a lot like the pictures below, though it was sometimes at the campsite, sometimes at the beach. And finally...our own private little island.

Kirsten & Helen's second day reading on the sandbar/private island

My first day. The kayaks came in handy to get us, our chairs, umbrella & books out to the sandbar.

Unluckily, Ed & Maarten had to stay back at the beach - they both cut their feet earlier in the trip & didn't want to risk infection :(

On the way home, we stopped a few times. To shop, and to enjoy a beach because it sure was hot!

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