Tuesday 3 July 2012

June Cause: Niagara Life Centre

Niagara Life Centre is an organization which is very well rounded, in my opinion. They address the needs of many people, in many circumstances. Quite the feat for an organization which began as a crisis pregnancy centre!  Here's a short excerpt from their history (which began in 1985!) to explain what they're all about in their own words:

"NLC began as a crisis pregnancy centre in response to the plight of young mothers with unplanned pregnancies. The clientele included young women with crisis pregnancies as well as mothers and fathers needing parenting help and emotional support. It was soon realized that those who came for our services had many more issues in their lives including: sexual abuse, addiction, relationship problems, anger, and depression. The Centre therefore, began to provide long-term counseling for the clients emotional, mental, physical and spiritual needs."

There are many different ways to support this great place, and you can check them out here and here.
Monetary donations, prayer, sponsorships, getting involved in fundraisers - all are means of reaching out to those who often cannot otherwise help themselves.

Two weekends ago, Niagara Life Centre had a booth at the Joyful Noise concert which I blogged about here. During a break between musicians, one lady who had been helped by the Centre came up to speak about what the centre had done for her. She struggled with many things:  coming from a broken family, an eating disorder, a birth-related disability, depression - all connected. And her praise for this Centre and her love for God and his influence on her life through the Centre was beautiful and moving.

So...how can you help? 

** this became one of my five "extra" causes to donate to this year!

1 comment:

  1. Here some ladies recently started with a Pregnancy help centre,that offers support for unplanned pregnancies. I wonder if it will also develop in the way you describe above, as many of those issues will also play a part here.
