Wednesday 4 July 2012

July Long Weekend Kayak

The number of kilometers we kayaked on Monday. One way. Or so our trip calculator estimated.

That means we went over 10 km in just about 2.5 hours. Things are looking up for our 'epic' trip in 4 weeks' time. We'll be going 90 km in about 10 days then. Easy peasy :)

We (Ed, myself, Shaun & Liam) parked at Bayfront, put in, and paddled over to the RBG & followed Grindstone creek until we had no more water deep enough to paddle in. Then we went back :)

As for me, I have a new paddle. And finally, paddling feels easy & comfortable. Yay!

But really, what you all wanted to see was pictures. None of this Emily-talk stuff.

So, without further ado: pictures of our adventures.

The guys on the trip. Excuse the water spot, please?

Gutted old Bug

Water lily - and yes, that's the right angle! Just after taking this shot, a deer poked her head out of the water-side reeds. She was rather startled to see us & so ran off.

About to kayak under one of the RBG's walking trail bridges


Feeling a little explorer-ish as I led the pack...

Under fallen trees...

How many turtles? (We'd already scared a few off!)

Yes, we can fit 3 kayaks on my car!

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