Thursday 19 July 2012

Kissing Bridge ;)

On the way home from the market, I took Ed on a little detour to see the West Montrose Covered Bridge. This was another coveted part of market trips when I was a kid. We'd generally get out, run around, get pictures by the sign. (One such which immortalizes me in a horrid green-and-white striped button up, short jumpsuit. Ugh. Oh...and topped off by an ill-fitting black and purple Jump Rope for Heart hat. Double ugh. I was quite the stylin' kid. *Cough*)

The locals informally call this bridge "Kissing Bridge" - presumably because it was a favourite area for local courting Amish/Mennonite couples in open buggies to sneak to under cover of dark :)

It was pretty busy with visiting families and their kids.

Wish we'd had time to pull over and enjoy the river, as well as the view. And well.....I mean...

Um. So. Picture?

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