Tuesday 17 July 2012

Where Has Time Gone?

Oh boy, oh boy. It's July the SEVENTEENTH as I write this. It's like, the 5th post for July goin' up right now. Shoot. Ten more to go. But can I please tell you how crazy life has been around here?

In the past couple of weeks, I have packed & moved numerous boxes, but no furniture. I have gone to the optometrist (whom I always call  "the eye doctor" - anyone else do that?) I've gone up the CN tower for the first time in my life. I've gone to the market with Ed & my parents, and gotten food for the kayak trip. I have visited friends for dinner. I have stripped wallpaper, painted '70's style panelling, and gone camping for 5 days.

I was going to schedule a bunch of posts for while I was camping. But, wouldn't ya know it, the internet was down. Sorry :(

So this past evening, I got home at 10:30 pm after a date to the carwash that was long overdue, and figured out how to reconnect to the internet after last week's crash.

I'm aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!! Aren't you glad?

What to look forward to in terms of posts up an' comin':

  1. CN Tower!
  2. Market!
  3. Hair by Serena!
  4. Camping!
And now...good night. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (oops, sorry, fell asleep with my finger still on the Z. Ok, I lie, but almost not.)

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