Friday 20 July 2012

Serena's Hair Salon

After the St. Jacob's trip, Ed & I packed up some boxes at my place, loaded the cars, and headed out for dinner. We were headed to Kevin and Andrea's for a bbq, cut short by the fact that I had a meeting to run off to that night :(

When we got there, I was greeted with hand-picked flowers and cries of "Aunt Emily! Hi!" from Serena. Ed got a much cooler reception. For about 3.2 seconds, before he was dragged into a game of "pass the 'soccer' ball."

After soccer was over and Ange and I had had some time to chat, Serena decided to do my hair. It got 'blow dried' 3 or 4 times - each time with a different dryer. Then flat-ironed twice, bushed a couple more, and finally: topped with a tiara.

And of course, such fabulous hairstyling must be captured forever in pictures, right?
And when you bring out the camera, a 4-going-on-5-year-old must have pictures of herself, and then must take some pictures herself.
So some of these specimens are blurry. But hey - she does a pretty good job! (And, my water-cam is all I have right now, and it's a bit trickier to take good photos with. Excuse my grammar, please.)

My hairdresser & I

This princess's turn!

Serena' view (excuse my blinding white arms. I promise, I do have some pigment!)

Another of Serry's takes :)

I love that little girl. And in just a bit, (maybe even by the time this post is published!?) she's gonna have a new baby brother or sister. So cool, right!?! Looking forward to meeting Baby H :)

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