Monday 30 July 2012

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to my father!

Playing hockey with sons & grandsons, Christmas 2009

Watching the grandkids open their Sinterklaas gifts, 2009

Bulldogs game, 2011

Birthday, 2011!

He's turning another year older today.

I'm sorry to miss it, but: all the best today Dad!
I hope that God will continue to keep you & bless you in the year ahead.

Love you!

Saturday 28 July 2012


We're in Pukaskwa (Pook-ah-SAW) paddling around, right now.

It was quite the feat to get ready for it.
Keep us in your prayers! We appreciate it :)

(And no, we do not have internet or laptops here. I'm prescheduling this post!)

A very small glimpse into getting ready:

You can look forward to updates and pictures when we get back, DV!

Thursday 26 July 2012

Winning the Lottery: Bonnechere edition

2 weekends ago, a bunch of us headed up to Bonnechere.

Funny story: we thought it would take us 3 hours to get there from Hamilton.

Try FIVE and a HALF!

My poor, sore, I-finally-did-some-physical-labour body was not having fun.

But, we got there. I survived. And enjoyed the lazy days.

Those days looked a lot like the pictures below, though it was sometimes at the campsite, sometimes at the beach. And finally...our own private little island.

Kirsten & Helen's second day reading on the sandbar/private island

My first day. The kayaks came in handy to get us, our chairs, umbrella & books out to the sandbar.

Unluckily, Ed & Maarten had to stay back at the beach - they both cut their feet earlier in the trip & didn't want to risk infection :(

On the way home, we stopped a few times. To shop, and to enjoy a beach because it sure was hot!

Wednesday 25 July 2012

The Move, so far...

Thanks to my brothers (Albert and Kevin) and Ed, of course, Saturday was moving day. Everything still in my Guelph apartment is now in the Ricebox.

The panelling was sold out at Home Depot last week when Jeff came to help us get that. So everything is done except the floor where the wardrobe was sitting and the path to the laundry room, one coat of trim paint yet, and those pieces of panelling, along with the baseboard & trim to go with it. And a few electrical bits & bobs.

I'll contrast the "what is now" with "what it was" photos.
This is the official "so far" look. It's a MESS!

Remember this? It's my Guelph apartment's kitchen.

See this? This is the contents of those kitchen cupboards.... (ah, & the hole yet in the panelling...)
Remember this?
This is that corner with the wall paint...
And this is that corner nearly done with renos, and almost set up as my bed'room'

This was the last renter's bedroom area. You can see the patch on the wall that was covering a hole which prompted us to remove the panelling....
That panelling has yet to be replaced...but this will eventually be a sitting area....(my painting is in progress...and upside down...)

Tuesday 24 July 2012

My Love

^ That's literally what I titled this photo when I saved it.

This so unbelievable! He has done SO MUCH for me this past little while, and put up with me while I was grumpy too.

And he smiles while he does it.

I am so blessed. SO blessed.

Yes, he's doing some electrical for me. And those baseboards? He installed that too. And helped me paint the walls. And more things that you can't see in this picture...
(More moving/reno updates coming soon!)

Saturday 21 July 2012

I'm moving! A Basement Renovation Story.

I am in the process of moving. That process is nearly complete. I even got my driver's license address changed. It should be coming in the mail soon.

Today, as you read this, I will be packing up the remainder of my first-ever apartment, and leaving it forever.

In this process, I discovered Salvation Army too.

But, more importantly, I am moving from this:

Old photos of my apartment. It seems less crowded and wall hangings have changed...

to this:

Furniture is now out. But note the lovely dragonfly patterned wallpaper!

There's my mattress! Surrounded by 1970's panelling. Avant garde by now, I'm sure. (I'd already started stripping the early 90's wallpaper!)


Almost my favourite part of the entire basement....

Granted, my furniture is not yet moved in (everything in those photos is the last renter's - except for the mattress on the floor) but look at the difference in eras. In light and dark. In live-ability. 

And. Stay tuned for what I did, with a lot of help from Ed, and some help from a few others, to make it into a more liveable space.

Friday 20 July 2012

Serena's Hair Salon

After the St. Jacob's trip, Ed & I packed up some boxes at my place, loaded the cars, and headed out for dinner. We were headed to Kevin and Andrea's for a bbq, cut short by the fact that I had a meeting to run off to that night :(

When we got there, I was greeted with hand-picked flowers and cries of "Aunt Emily! Hi!" from Serena. Ed got a much cooler reception. For about 3.2 seconds, before he was dragged into a game of "pass the 'soccer' ball."

After soccer was over and Ange and I had had some time to chat, Serena decided to do my hair. It got 'blow dried' 3 or 4 times - each time with a different dryer. Then flat-ironed twice, bushed a couple more, and finally: topped with a tiara.

And of course, such fabulous hairstyling must be captured forever in pictures, right?
And when you bring out the camera, a 4-going-on-5-year-old must have pictures of herself, and then must take some pictures herself.
So some of these specimens are blurry. But hey - she does a pretty good job! (And, my water-cam is all I have right now, and it's a bit trickier to take good photos with. Excuse my grammar, please.)

My hairdresser & I

This princess's turn!

Serena' view (excuse my blinding white arms. I promise, I do have some pigment!)

Another of Serry's takes :)

I love that little girl. And in just a bit, (maybe even by the time this post is published!?) she's gonna have a new baby brother or sister. So cool, right!?! Looking forward to meeting Baby H :)

Thursday 19 July 2012

Kissing Bridge ;)

On the way home from the market, I took Ed on a little detour to see the West Montrose Covered Bridge. This was another coveted part of market trips when I was a kid. We'd generally get out, run around, get pictures by the sign. (One such which immortalizes me in a horrid green-and-white striped button up, short jumpsuit. Ugh. Oh...and topped off by an ill-fitting black and purple Jump Rope for Heart hat. Double ugh. I was quite the stylin' kid. *Cough*)

The locals informally call this bridge "Kissing Bridge" - presumably because it was a favourite area for local courting Amish/Mennonite couples in open buggies to sneak to under cover of dark :)

It was pretty busy with visiting families and their kids.

Wish we'd had time to pull over and enjoy the river, as well as the view. And well.....I mean...

Um. So. Picture?

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Market Day!

When I was a kid, we'd head on up to St Jacob's Farmer's Market about once or twice a summer.

Usually, we'd head out with my mom's parents. We'd wander the buildings and the outside vendors, eat samples from everywhere (maybe sometimes twice?) Each of us kids would have a couple of dollars to spend and we'd agonize over which bag of candy we would get at the "candy man's" stall, before heading over to the vendors who sold little toys and trinkets. Grandma and Grandpa would often slip us another dollar or two to get an extra treat, or to buy that toy we'd been eying.

One time Grandpa treated us to ice cream from the Ice Cream Caboose ( a real old caboose!) I chose bubble gum against my mother's recommendation. It was cuz she knew I wouldn't eat it all & then she'd be stuck trying to finish the blue stuff I had left. Because you just don't let stuff like that go to waste! (Sorry, Mom. Next time I'd definitely choose a nice maple walnut or some such. But....there probably wouldn't be leftovers...)

Usually I tried to make my candy last and last and last. A little like Mary from the Little House in the Big Woods book. My brothers would gobble theirs down like Laura.

One time, I bought myself a grape-flavoured glittery lip balm that had a bit of colour. I loved that tube. One day I accidentally left it in the girls' bathroom at school and never found it back. I can't remember if I shed a tear or not, but I felt sad over it. It was the closest thing to make-up I had at the time. And at that age, make-up was forbidden and pretty special.

Grandma and Grandpa usually treated us to a pony ride. I have an old photo of me on a pony, in a dress my mom or grandma made for me, wearing my hair short. I was pretty cute. They still have pony rides there.

Mom always bought bushels of beans at the market, and we'd come home and snap the beans mom and Grandma tipped. Then they'd can them and we'd eat those beans all winter long. I still don't do store-bought canned beans. Home-made beats all.

Another highlight was seeing the animals in the auction barn. You can walk over top on the viewing decks. Usually there were just cows and calves. Sometimes you'd see sheep or pigs or goats. And, very rarely horses. I was one of those kids that just adored horses. I hoped every time that I'd see some.

Well. Last Tuesday, Ed & I visited the market with my parents. We wandered the vendors, inside & out, tasted samples and bought some food.

But the auction barn viewing. The little girl inside of me was absolutely thrilled. Not just cows, calves, sheep, and goats, but HORSES too! And lots of them. There were even a couple of llamas! We probably spent a good half hour in there, jut watching them all. Cows getting checked & tagged, making sure everyone knew about their indignation. Horses nipping at their llama neighbours, no love lost between them. A little white goat sneaking through the bars, first in with the woolly sheep before getting himself lost in a pen of cows who quickly grew irritated with him. Even the curious little thing himself looked relieved to finally get out of there. Cows making a bolt for it and the handlers chasing them down with shouts and shepherding stick taps on the rump.

You could say it was a successful day - made even more successful by the company and finished off with a good lunch of kibbeling and chips - as close to market-fresh-in-the-Netherlands as it gets in southern Ontario.

And, in case you wanted to see what we saw, here are some [blurry] pictures:

Ed & Dad watching the cows get checked & tagged (Well, Ed was watching the cows...)

Sheep & goats, the other pictures didn't turn out so well :(

Perfectly form, dusty spider web. The place is full of cobwebs, but not usually as perfect as this!
So, in case you live in the area, or are visiting it, and want a great day out - also with the kids - try this place!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Bucket List: CN Tower

I made a bucket list for this summer. It's kind of a big deal. Not because there's a lot to do. There isn't. But, because I don't have much time. See last post.

  • I've spent a lot of time with Ed already, so check.
  • I've gone to the Christian bookstore & read more than three books. But mostly they were 'fluffy' novels. Check. And, not quite check.

But my favourite so far? Going up the CN Tower!!!!!

For many tourists, this is a pretty big deal. But.....I'm not a tourist.

I have lived an hour's drive from the tower my ENTIRE life. On a clear day, I could see it from my grandparent's front window, across the lake. So last Monday, I went with Ed, who comes from Australia, and who had already 'been there, done that.'

We had lunch while watching the view. The nice thing is, when you buy lunch, you get your ride up for free. Sweet deal!

Enough chatter now: photo time!

The upper half

View 1 from the restaurant

Appetizer: Tomato Salad with baked cheese of some sort. My favourite part!

View 2: Financial district, I believe.


View 3

Ed's min course: Mushroom Linguini

Can ya spot the kayaks? And yeah, we need rain.

Dessert: almost too pretty to eat!

Glass floor :)

Where Has Time Gone?

Oh boy, oh boy. It's July the SEVENTEENTH as I write this. It's like, the 5th post for July goin' up right now. Shoot. Ten more to go. But can I please tell you how crazy life has been around here?

In the past couple of weeks, I have packed & moved numerous boxes, but no furniture. I have gone to the optometrist (whom I always call  "the eye doctor" - anyone else do that?) I've gone up the CN tower for the first time in my life. I've gone to the market with Ed & my parents, and gotten food for the kayak trip. I have visited friends for dinner. I have stripped wallpaper, painted '70's style panelling, and gone camping for 5 days.

I was going to schedule a bunch of posts for while I was camping. But, wouldn't ya know it, the internet was down. Sorry :(

So this past evening, I got home at 10:30 pm after a date to the carwash that was long overdue, and figured out how to reconnect to the internet after last week's crash.

I'm aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!! Aren't you glad?

What to look forward to in terms of posts up an' comin':

  1. CN Tower!
  2. Market!
  3. Hair by Serena!
  4. Camping!
And now...good night. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (oops, sorry, fell asleep with my finger still on the Z. Ok, I lie, but almost not.)

Friday 6 July 2012

Date Night

Last night, Ed & I visited the Bayfront.

(Seriously, I know everyone knows about it, but I love that place. Usually you can even find a pretty quiet/private spot.)

And we had deep conversations while watching the sunset. And Ed took pictures.

And then we went to Williams & had drinks & cake.
