Thursday 10 May 2012


This girl (lady?) wrote an awesome list of what she all learned in her twenties. A lot of what she wrote sounded scarily familiar. Minus the hospital stay.

Basically, I felt a connection, and thought...I'd love to link up! Sounds like she has a solid & firm foundation that's right the same as mine. Plus, we majored in the same things in uni, and aren't using them now. Plus, her second last piece of advice is gold. Pure gold.

Since I'm 24, I've got a fair ways to go to make a complete list of the things that I learned in my 20s. But I know for sure that by 30, I'll forget a lot of the lessons I'll want to remember.

So, 24 lessons I've learned so far:
  1. True love takes patience. Don't be impatient.
  2. I love flowers. And working with plants. It's not just some chore your mom makes you do.
  3. University gets you a degree. But during your quest to get your majors in history & political science, you will choose courses which are almost exclusively impractical to life outside of university. Be deliberate in maintaining a learning attitude.
  4. My high school teachers were grossly under-appreciated. Being a high school teacher is not easy.
  5. Speeding actually doesn't get you anywhere faster. Ever pass someone only to see them pull up beside you at a stoplight? Exactly. So, unless you're travelling for 500+km at a time....
  6. I am a list-maker.
  7. Having a "lot" of money in the bank isn't always a good thing. Trust in God is harder then.
  8. Dreams that you've dreamed might be handed to you. And when they are, you might realise they're not your dreams anymore. And that's ok.
  9. Be forgiven. Many people find it hard to forgive others. Me? I find it hard to be forgiven. Am I the only one?
  10. You're not meant to forget the ugly things you've done in life. Otherwise you might repeat them.
  11. Love and respect go hand in hand. It is not love if there is no respect. It is then only a desperation to love or a fear that perhaps you are not capable of love. But it's incredibly hard to recognize. So run it through the respect test, if you're concerned.
  12. Shop smart. If you can, don't buy something cheap for the sake of buying something. Or just because its on sale. Buy something that's made well. You'll enjoy it more, and for longer, because a year+ later it's still looking and/or functioning as good as when you got it.  But also then, make sure it will stand the test of time trend-wise. If it's meant to be temporary, then by all means, head to Ikea.(Disclaimer: I love Ikea.)
  13. You're the only person who can see your pimple. And, I've always, ALWAYS been completely surprised to find out that so-and-so wears 6 sizes up from me when I offer to lend a piece of clothing.So what you see about yourself is often not even close to living up to the standards of what other people are seeing.
  14. Travel is an excellent use of money.
  15. Thrifting is cool!
  16. Prayers are answered. Often. Regularly. Without our notice.
  17. You will only get busier. Unless you're really, really careful.
  18. God doesn't want a do-er. He wants a worshiper. Be very very careful that doing committee work, service work, etc doesn't replace work on your relationship with your Heavenly Father.
  19. Puzzles are oft-forgotten good times. Board games too, just less so.
  20. Be aware of what you are putting into your body. You'd be surprised at what's in your food. It's easy & delicious to eat differently/healthily!
  21. Your family appreciates you. But if you live with them, its easy to let the grumpy, cranky moments take over your perceptions of what your family think of you. 
  22. Make a point of finding the positives in a person or situation. If you can't see it, it's all the more vital for you to pray.
  23. You can tell yourself some pretty convincing lies. Don't believe them.
  24. God is essential to my well-being. It makes sense. I was created to worship God, of course I can't feel well without Him. I had this first on my list, but

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