Thursday 10 May 2012

Random Thought Thursday

  1. Fresh-out-of-the-dryer towels make me as giddy as the first date. No. Really. (Sorry?) (I kinda sounded like Scrat.)
  2. I need to clean my toilet waaaaaay more often. The dust on the outside, I mean. The inside gets cleaned regularly.
  3. I'm super excited about the PC Organics Power Fruit blend. It has dark sweet cherries! The only kind of cherries I can eat! And it's my favourite smoothie fruit. I haven't had it in three years or so! Yay!
  4. All-beef pepperettes make a good supper. Um. Ok, I'll go eat.
  5. I got Dominion today! (See my Giftlist tab :)
  6. I have the most awesome boyfriend who sends me random messages that make me instantaneously happy.
  7. It's amazing how hastily-done homework can make me happy. (But much less so than random messages from a certain someone....)
  8. I need to figure out how to dehydrate kale (and if it'll re-hydrate well....). Check!
  9. The third (& last!) load of laundry is washing.
  10. Grocery list-making is a pain in the butt.
  11. My May monthly cause is gonna be March for Life/Letters4Life/WeneedaLaw
  12. I have an organized pantry. For the first time in 2.5 years. Maybe longer.
  13. Tomato paste leather. Now there's a good idea for the kayak trip! Hmmm...
  14. It would also take care of one of the 6 jars of pasta sauce sitting in my pantry.
  15. I should pack for the weekend. Already. Again. Can't wait til I live more centrally!
  16. I just read a blog. By a girl with some crazy similarities to me. Sort of. I feel drawn to connect. I'm off to go link up.
  17. (I just read over this list of randoms. Wow. I think about food a lot.)

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