Wednesday 2 May 2012

Coming Up!

I love the month of May. I don't know why.

But when I was a little girl, May was gonna be my middle name once I figured out how to change it.
And, I was going to get married in May, when the trees were in bloom and I could carry a bouquet of lilacs. I saw a wedding once in May, with the lilacs blooming. The bridal couple pulled up in a horse-drawn carriage. It was the stuff of little girl dreams. As for my groom, well, back in my little girl days he was fairly insignificant. My latest puppy-dog-love would be the warm body to fill the spot. He just had to approve of lilacs and call me Amy-May.

I got over the name thing. I still love the time when lilacs bloom, but right now I'd rather be married in August. Which works perfectly with my teaching job, but proves a problem in the flower department. My newest favourite flower is a spring bloom as well. Ranunculus. (Did you know that someone has even named a kid Ranunculus? Great flower. Weird name.)

And this month, I still get to experience a wedding. Two actually. In one I get to be a bridesmaid. I'm looking forward to it!

What else? I'm sure more kayaking will be involved. I'm looking forward to it! And, after this month, there'll only be a few more weeks of school before summer break. Time flies!

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