Wednesday 23 May 2012

Guaranteed to Make me Smile

I have a chalkboard in my "front foyer" (&<-- a ridiculously fancy sounding name for the place where I drop my shoes off before entering my apartment.)

I will [very occasionally] write messages on this board. So occasionally do I change these messages, that I don't generally look at it too often, because it always says the same thing: God is good - all of the time!"
(And by not looking at it often, I mean I don't read it often, but I do know it's there and just by that I'm reminded of the message!)

But then, I  noticed an addition:
  • "Hugs from Le'
Quite awhile later, I noticed another addition:
  • "Hugs from Le. & Ed"
Then, later yet,
  • "Hugs from Le. & Ed. & Kim"

Now, a few months later, it's changed again and I notice it nearly every day and smile.

I am loved. And I love that.