Friday 25 May 2012

Parking on a Friday Night

NO! Not THAT kind of parking.

The kind of parking that involves going to the park and enjoying the beautiful warm weather with your toes in the sand and an energetic little girl running around, excitedly trying EV-ER-Y-THING (with the attention span of a squirrel: "Was I going this way? Or that way? Or thi--? Or --?" *rushes off in a new direction altogether*)

I got lots of great shots. She is such a little poser for the camera!

Hairdressing at the park? Sure...why not?

If you noticed the frog I was holding in the last pic, Mommy Frog was for me to hold so I wouldn't be scared of getting my hair done...

Pretty sweet hairdressing if I say so myself!

Ham :)

Look at that tongue!    

Yeah, I'm mean, but this was toooo funny!

She tried these too, but I had to hold her up.
In addition to this, she spoke/listened through the tunnel machines, tried all the other slides and steps, did the fireman pole twice, walked like a gorilla, went on a big-girl swing, did everything another time through....and conquered climbing up the big slide (another post coming for that one!)

So, basically, and awesome Friday night at the park :D

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