Tuesday 22 May 2012

Wedding Photo

I managed to get one photo of wedding related stuff.
Just one.
Good thing they had awesome wedding photographers. If I can, I'll share some of those photos later. They snapped a few of Ed & me that I can't wait to see :)

If I say "church mouse" or "hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock," what do you immediately think of? This, maybe?

This was in St Andrew's Presbyterian church, where the wedding ceremony was held. I love the sense of humour people at this church have. The mouse was fake. Excellent.

(Also, I took this during rehearsal Thursday night - not during the wedding ceremony. Just so we're clear, okay?)

Since I can't believe that was the only photo I had, I took some of my bouquet the morning after the wedding. The big lilies have all opened up now, and my house smells like lilies.

quite beautiful :)
It was a great wedding. I like great weddings.


  1. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! I haven't stopped telling Jason how much I loved the whole day - can't pick a favourite part of it!

  2. Oh good! That's exactly how a wedding day should be :)
