Tuesday 3 January 2012

3 days in

Three days in, and I already have so many 2012 mini-highlights.

Like, finding out that I had another pocket in my coat. The story? I lost my cell phone. I searched for it. Finally, someone Damien (thanks!) had the brilliant idea to call my phone. And, sha-zam, the year-old coat that I was wearing began to ring. I had checked both my pockets, but I re-checked them now, for holes, in case it had somehow gotten into the lining of my coat and travelled...up? Someone kindly pointed out my third, well-hidden (clearly), pocket to me. Even though I had managed to find it earlier when I put my phone in it....

Then, I started up my new blog. Here. HI!!! And guess what? 3 days = over 200 views. Thanks!

Then, I had this wonderful idea for cream of vegetable soup. The result? Diarrhea. Or that's what it looked like. I felt like puking into the toilet. Except, my toilet was already busy flushing the contents of my slow-cooker. Moral of the story? Green & orange veggies DO NOT make a good combination! Wait a minute. Who said this was a high-light??

An actual highlight? Sending the Kentucky team the deets for our first meeting this coming Sunday - woot! CanNOT wait to go!!! I love that place. And I'm sure I'm going to love these people. And if any of you gets a chance to support them as they fundraise - do it! It's a good cause. My February cause, maybe?

Finally, Serry & I are having a sleepover. Today, we got our hair cut, ate ice cream (even though it's -16 degrees Celsius outside for the first time this holiday season. Why not eat ice cream to celebrate, right?) And then we watched a movie all snuggled up in our pjs - Horton Hears A Who - excellent movie for watching with children :)

And speaking of -16 degrees Celsius: YES PLEASE! About time! I never thought I'd be glad for the day when the snow sounds crunchy & squeaky, the car takes eons to warm up, and my nose hairs freeze together the second I step outside. But today was that day. I was almost afraid winter wasn't gonna show up this season, but apparently, it was just waiting for 2012 to arrive. I shoulda taken a picture of the car's temperature reading. But I didn't. Sorry!

And now.

Ok bye!

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